Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Front of House - Problems with Windows!

This is the front opening panel with the plastic & wood windows removed. I am looking for the originals on the internet, but have discovered that not only are ordinary originals extremely difficult to find, but that the size of the opening here is a little odd, and larger than other Triang houses. Having looked at another house with it's windows removed, there appeared to be a rounded area in the corners (diffcult to explain!) where the metal frames had been. I wonder if it's possible that during the 'makeover' and installation of the new windows, that the wood itself has been sanded/cut to a slightly larger shape? Just a theory at the moment, and as an emergency measure I have bought some replacement plastic replicas, which are slightly too short. The gap will be filled with painted bolsa wood as a sort of frame.

I have also realised that underneath the white paint on the bottom, there should be a pretty flowered design, and started carefully scraping away at it with a scalpel - going to take ages!

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